What Is An EVR?

At the start of every year, the elder law attorneys at The Elder Law Firm PC receive multiple questions from existing clients who are receiving Veteran's Administration (VA) benefits as either a wartime veteran or a surviving spouse. Most of these clients have recently received an EVR (Eligibility Verification Report) from the VA.
The purpose of the Eligibility Verification Report is two-fold. First, the Veteran's Administration wants to make sure that the estimated expenses and income that the veteran reported for the last calendar year were accurate and, if possible, award them any extra benefits if the expenses were greater than expected. Second, they want to determine if the veteran or their spouse is expected to remain eligible for benefits for the current year.
We have had clients who decided not to fill out these forms or, alternatively, didn't return the completed form in a timely fashion. If you fail to complete your Eligibility Verification Report or fail to return the completed form in a timely manner, your benefits will be discontinued. With most Veteran's Administration applications take six to eight months to be approved, you should never let procrastination cause you to lose your benefits for several months.
The EVR needs to be completed carefully, and many recipients make the mistake of not including the costs of their assisted living, skilled nursing or home care as a medical expense. In most cases, these costs are what entitled the veteran or spouse to get the aid and attendance benefit in the first place. So a failure to include these costs on your EVR will likely cause your benefits to stop and could even cause the VA to issue a demand for repayment.
If you have received an Eligibility Verification Report from the Veteran's Administration, please let us assist you in completing this form accurately and returning it in a timely fashion so that you can continue to receive the benefits that you deserve.
Michigan Elder Law Attorneys at The Elder Law Firm PC provide assistance in protecting your assets and protecting your family through Veterans Benefits and estate planning. Contact us by calling 877.960.5233 or by requesting a free consultation online here.