What Does Medicaid Not Cover?

Medicaid is a healthcare program that assists individuals or families with minimal resources and also provides much-needed assistance for individuals requiring long-term medical care. Contrary to Medicare, a social insurance program that typically covers some care for people aged 65 years or older, Medicaid covers an assortment of healthcare-related costs for people of all ages.
What Does Medicaid Cover?
The coverage offered by Medicaid is broad and can assist in covering many costs associated with long-term care. Medicaid covers things like doctor visits, nursing home stays, emergency services, outpatient services, medical equipment, and hospice care. As one can see, Medicaid can be a great help for individuals requiring long-term care, such as those individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or the elderly who have severe mobility issues.
What Does Medicaid Not Cover?
Although it seems that Medicaid covers practically everything someone needs, it doesn’t necessarily provide full coverage. Medicaid does not cover private nursing, for example, nor does it cover services provided by a household member. Also, things like bandages, adult diapers, and other disposables aren’t covered. Cosmetic surgery and chiropractic aren’t covered either; however, these two items are typically non-essential when it comes for caring for seniors.
Learn More
If you’re seeking more information about Medicaid and Medicare, you’ll probably need to professional assistance to help guide your way. Healthcare insurance can be confusing, which is why our team at The Elder Law Firm PC provides informative and up-to-date Medicaid planning and long-term care insurance advice for Michigan residents. If you have any questions regarding Medicare, Medicaid, or any of your other options for long-term care, please call us at (616) 840-3754. Residents in the Grand Rapids area can also attend a free seminar led by attorney The Elder Law Firm PC several times a month regarding Medicaid planning. Call to reserve your spot at this exciting and informative event.