Nursing Homes vs. Assisted Living

When deciding between a nursing facility and assisted living, you first need to differentiate the two by learning about the various services each provides. Generally speaking, nursing homes provide medical care while assisted living is typically nonmedical in their services. Let’s explore this subject a bit more to help you decide which facility is right for you or your loved one.
Nursing Home versus Assisted Living: Which One Should I Choose?
If the patient seems to be in declining health, be it physical or mental, a nursing home may be the best bet. Also known as a skilled nursing facility (SNF), nursing homes are similar to hospitals in that they provide skilled, specialized care to frail seniors.
This option is also best for patients who need nursing care day and night, such as those patients with Alzheimer’s disease or severe mobility issues. SNFs offer 24-hour care, both medical and nonmedical.
Nursing homes may also provide intensive inpatient physical therapy, which can be helpful for frail or injured patients. Additionally, SNFs may provide opportunities for socialization, a key component in patient wellbeing.
Assisted living facilities, on the other hand, are nonmedical facilities that may or may not have a licensed nurse on the premises. These facilities provide assistance with activities of daily living, like personal care.
Assisted living also provides numerous recreational activities, meals, and transportation services to able seniors. Facilities also tend to offer residents some personal privacy as many facilities are designed as apartment homes.
Learn More
When trying to decide between a nursing home and assisted living, you may run into a few road bumps during your research. There’s plenty of pros and cons to both, but knowing which is the best option for you or your loved one(s) can be tricky. At The Elder Law Firm PC, we’re experts in providing long-term care planning advice to clients and understand which type of facility works better for which patient. We can also provide in-depth advice regarding the numerous coverage options you may have available. If you have a question regarding your options for long-term care, please call us at (616) 840-3754. Residents in the Grand Rapids area can also attend a free seminar led by attorney The Elder Law Firm PC several times a month regarding Medicaid planning. Call to reserve your spot at this exciting and informative event.