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Grand Rapids Elder Law

Alzheimer’s disease can be a debilitating condition, causing both impaired thinking and mobility. This often leads a patient to move into specialized long-term care. Children of parents with Alzheimer’s disease should know they have options for taking care of their parents while making sure their parents are receiving the care they require.

When you’re planning for long-term care for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, there are certain tips you should keep in mind before diving in.

Planning Tips and Advice for Alzheimer’s Long-Term Care

One thing you should consider before helping a loved one entering long-term care is determining who will be the decision maker during the process. If your loved one is in the early stages of dementia and is lucid enough to make their own health decisions, it may be best to work with them as well as their treatment team to find the best care option for them.

Having these decisions down on paper and witnessed by an elder care attorney can ensure these wishes are carried out in the future. Receiving power of attorney over finances and healthcare or seeking guardianship/conservatorship are other options to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your loved one.

You’ll also need to determine the living situation of your loved one. If the patient is in the initial stages of the disease, then the home environment can be a suitable option as a means of ensuring comfort and familiarity. Obviously, a professional in-home caregiver will need to be utilized in this situation.

Usually, family members will take on the caregiving duties, but this tends to become overwhelming and impossible with time. Nursing homes are perhaps the best option, considering these facilities have trained nurses and medical staff on-call to provide medication administration, meals, and therapy, when needed.

Learn More

If you’re seeking options for long-term care for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, you’ll probably need to help you guide your way through the often-confusing world of insurance. The Elder Law Firm PC provides Medicaid planning and long-term care insurance advice for Michigan residents. If you have a question regarding Medicare, Medicaid, or any of your other options for long-term care, please call us at (616) 840-3754. Residents in the Grand Rapids area can also attend a free seminar led by attorney The Elder Law Firm PC several times a month regarding Medicaid planning. Call to reserve your spot at this exciting and informative event.